Tally Prefix (For connecting multiple Amazon stores to one Tally account)
Disable Prefix but Prefix is ideal if you have multiple store connected with same Tally Account
@endif @if(isset($setting_fields['basic']['fields']['sync_type']))
How do you want to account for completely paid orders?*
{{ Form::select('sync_type', $syncTypeList , Input::old('sync_type', @$settingData['sync_type']), array('class'=>'form-control form-select', 'style'=>'width:100%','data-control'=> 'select2')) }} {!! $errors->first('sync_type', ' :message') !!}
@endif @if(isset($setting_fields['basic']['fields']['sync_start_date']))
What date do you want your data sync to Tally to start from?*
@if(empty($editable)) @endif
{!! $errors->first('sync_start_date', ':message') !!}
Select date to fetch data from the date.
If you prefer to sync orders before "{{ date('d M Y', strtotime($syncMinDate)) }}", please contact our support team from the Contact us page.
There might be a small one-time fee for the backdated order sync based on the total orders required to be synced.
Note: Our app may not be able to recognize duplicates if you had entered them manually or with another app in the past. In that case there might be possible duplicate entries created. Please select the start date accordingly.