@extends('layouts.default') @section('title') Tally Connection - {{ $seller_details->seller_name }} @stop @section('content')

Connect your Tally account

@if($module == 'tlaz') @elseif($module == 'tlwc') @endif

Get PTG File

Setup PTG file for Tally

Setup PTG File

Setup PTG file in Tally

Data fetch

Required data fretched from Tally

Check Connection

Check Tally connection properly done


Woah, we are here
  1. Please make sure you have the Tally application version installed and open in the computer you wish to do the sync.
  2. Open the company in Tally which you would like to integrate with this app.
  3. Download the PTG file by clicking on the Download button here. Get file in email?
  4. A PTG File will be generated and downloaded to your system. In case it does not download automatically, please check if it is stopped by any blocker in your browser.
  5. Once you download the file, a Password will be shown here. You need to copy and save this password. This will be required in the steps below to setup the integration. Password :
  6. If you plan to use this on a PC/Server other than where it was download, please copy this file to that PC/Server before proceeding further and complete the next steps from that PC/server.
  1. Double-click on the PTG file. If the Tally and Tally webconnector is properly setup in your PC/Server, this file will be recognized and a Wizard will open in the Tally software.
  2. If the setup is smooth, our application will be displayed in the Tally Web Connector window. If you have multiple integrations, Click the relevant row, else click first check box.
  1. Click on Update Selected button in Tally webconnector for the correct row and wait to for the validation process to complete.
  2. When you click on the Update Selected button, it will execute some basic queries to check that a proper communication is established between our Server to your Tally file. It will also fetch the required data from your company file necessary to setup the system.
  1. Once the process complete in Tally web connector on your PC/server, click on Test Connection button below to verify that communication is established successfully.
  2. If connection is setup successfully, a Setup button will become visible. Please click on the Setup button to proceed to the application Settings page.
@if(isset($downloadFile) && !empty($downloadFile) && $downloadFile == 'yes') After complition of all above steps you are expected to successfully connect your tally company data. You can check by click this button below.
@else @endif
@endsection @section('more_scripts') @endsection