@extends('layouts/default') @section('title') Report Dashboard @stop @section('content')


Your request has been submitted successfully!

Request For Generate Report


We have received your request to fetch the data from Shopify for the Summary entries. This process might take 15-20 minutes to complete. Once this process is complete, you will see a list of Journals ready to be synced in the space below.
You can fetch data for more days/payouts after the previous request is completed.


Generate a request for fetch the shopify data and generate the report. Request process fetch 10 Shopify payouts at a time and 10 days for other payment methods. This process might take about 15-20 minutes.


Latest Settlements

@if(!empty($settlementData)) @foreach($settlementData as $key=>$value) @endforeach @else @endif
Date Gateway Total Currency Tax Type Action
{{ $value['invoice_date'] }} {{ $value['gateway'] }} {{ $value['settlement_amount'] }} {{ $value['currency'] }} {{ $value['tax_type'] }} Review
No Data Found.
@stop @section('more_scripts') @stop